(a) “I, Bobbie, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
- (b) Galloway, Jeff. Marathon. Atlanta, GA:Phidippides Pub., 1996. Print.
- (c) Oct 28 2012- Jan 13 2013
- (d) For my independent component I trained to run a half marathon and a full marathon. It was a different experience than if i had just trained for a full marathon alone because it would have involved doing less long milage training. Every weekend I would do long distance miles, no matter how long it took. This helped me on race day because I felt prepared for the long milage ahead of me. My final result was running in the Mickey Mouse Walt Disney World Marathon, and half marathon.
My project demonstrates 30 hours of work because it takes long hard house to complete, and train for a race like this. In order to build up your milage you must practice and train. Each week you run over 40 miles. Which accumulates a lot of time over several months, especially when the longer miles become more frequent. - APPLIED
This helped me understand more of what i already know about marathons. They arent easy, but they can be a fun experience. All the knowledge that I had accumulated prior to the race helped me get through it. It also showed me what I personally need to work on and what other people can work on. It is a clear answer to my EQ. Through my experience I feel i can better answer my EQ by using research as well as first hand knowledge.