Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blog 5b: Science Fair Proposal

1. What is your topic?
Long Distance Running

2. What is the driving problem behind your experiment and the quote by an expert to support that problem? (Expert citation must be MLA format.)

"This can happen when you first begin a sport or activity and try to do too much too soon. If you begin playing tennis and
play for several hours in an attempt to improve rapidly, you are setting your- self up for an overuse injury. This is because you are trying to do too much and do not allow your body adequate time to recover. As a beginner, you may also have poor technique which may predispose you to tennis elbow."
Matava, Matthew J., MD. "Overuse Injuries." N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. <>.

3. What is your hypothesis? (Must be in If-Then form.)
If a runner has longer legs, from hip bone to the bottom of their shoe, then they final time to complete 3.3 miles will be faster than a runner with shorter legs.

4. Write a paragraph summary of how you will perform the experiment.  Include the tools you plan on using.
I will keep record of 22-25 runners in a certain running group. I will take their initial leg length. Every week i will record their time over the distance of 3.3 miles. To track the mile i will use a garmin watch gps. To measure the length of the runners leg i will use a tape measure. To take the time of each runner i will use a stop watch.

5. Select one of the following Project Categories for your experiment:
Animal Biology & Physiology

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